Before flying:
Within 72 hours Corona test before flying to Japan,
You need a smartphone and several apps installed.
If you don't have a smartphone you have to rent one at the airport on arrival.
You have to fill out a pledge where you commit yourself to be monitored
for 14 days.

Arriving Japan.
Sit down and wait for your turn (hundreds of seats)
Checkpoint 1: you have to go through all the paperwork.
Checkpoint 2: more paperwork
Checkpoint 3: more paperwork
Checkpoint 4: Going through your smartphone and making sure you have all the apps
Checkpoint 5: Setup your WhatsApp, FaceTime or Skype
Checkpoint 6: Setup the two tracking apps
Checkpoint 7 Overlooking all the documents and apps
Checkpoint 8 Taking a new Corona test (saliva or through the nose)
Checkpoint 9 Sit down and wait for the test result
Checkpoint 10 If negative - go to get your test result
Finally, go to immigration
Then get your baggage and go to a predetermined secluded place or home
You can not use any public transportation
Going through all these checkpoints take anywhere from 3 to 5 hours
In the secluded place or at home (14 days quarantine)
They ask you to respond several times a day. "Click I´m Here!", "Do you
or any in the family have fever?", "Activate your camera and show you're face and
swing the smartphone so we can see your background", "Are you at home?".